• Revive your carpet . Eliminate your worries . Enjoy your floors
    Carpet Cleaning
    Done Right
  • Revive your carpet . Eliminate your worries . Enjoy your floors
    Carpet Cleaning
    Done Right
  • Revive your carpet . Eliminate your worries . Enjoy your floors
    Carpet Cleaning
    Done Right

Need an emergency help for carpets? Call Us Now

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Welcome To Fouens

The best residential
carpet cleaning in new
york city

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Get professional & affortable
carpet cleaner today.

From $100


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    and Repairs

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    Customers are Satisfied
    with our Services

Our Sevices

Carpet Care Services

Don’t hesitate, contact us for help and services. Book Online

Welcome To Fouens

The best way to
keep your carpets
cleaner longer
  • We promise to respect your time

  • We promise to respect your time

  • We promise to respect your time

Our Pricing

Services Plans & Pricing


$40/ 3 Rooms
  • Inspection & Consultation
  • Cleaned, and Sanitized
  • Charges Apply


$60/ 6 Rooms
  • Inspection & Consultation
  • Cleaned, and Sanitized
  • Charges Apply


$80Full House
  • Inspection & Consultation
  • Cleaned, and Sanitized
  • Charges Apply

You will get extra bonus when you. Schedule Now

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